Friday 13 June 2008


During my recent visit to the Big Apple i dropped by the Museum of Modern Art.
What could be better a modern art museum in one of the worlds trendiest and richest cities in the world? I was ready to see something new different, bold, mind bending but i did not find this.

Instead i found the same mediums such paintings, photo's and weirdly shaped object just with a slightly more modern take on things. What did i expect? This is modern art? True, but i would have quite liked to have seen something that Incorporated two or more styles in one piece. Something with abit of a shock and awe factor, something incomprehensible or too complicated for words and pictures.

The closest thing i could get to that was the work of Jackson Pollock and as a result i am now ab it of a fan. His work is craziness on a page and fantastic as a result. If you think about what it means it will drive you crazy as well, trust me i have tried. The picture above is a relatively tame creation but make my point. You couldn't explain or describe this accuarately in any meduim which currently exists.
And if you find yourself looking at a melee of colours ask yourself why did this piece end up like this? You'll soon get lost.

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