I was quite taken by Liam Neesons latest action thriller, Neeson seldom puts his name to a bad film and this time he is the star of a great one. Taken's tangibilty is it's real strength and makes it real and gripping film.
The plot is simple one man losses his daughter to an Albania womens trafficking ring and uses his 'acquired set of skills' to find her. Neeson plays the all action dad and somehow manages to turn a somewhat one dimensional character into someone who is much more.
Some synics could claim the idea of a middle aged Neesons attempting such a task is ludicious, but this is where the plots tangibilty and the directing of Pierre Morel turns the film into something abit special.
He does this through uncompromising and rough action, and an easy to follow and oh so believable plot. Anyone who has travelled with a friend and knows abit about the world can relate to it.
And the choice of location ,Paris, a somewhat innocent tourist location just adds to reality of it all.
This isn't to say the film is just an action thriller with no real depth, as some have labelled it. The film does lack the soft lovy dovy scenes, hours of character building and sweet nostalgic music but this doesn't mean the film lacks any emotion it just means the film is refreshingly short , just an hour and half and this leaves you wanting more.
Rating: 5/6
So you know where you are standing with the rating
1/6:Rubbish avoid at all costs
2/6: I would make no effort to see it
3/6: Think i'd watch it when it's on TV
4/6:Think very good film you might watch at the cinema but will get the dvd
5/6:Think very very good film that you plan to see in the cinema The Dark Knight,Platoon,
6/6:Think a must watch epit like the Godfathers , LOTR's, The Sopranos ,